Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Curious George Birthday Party Under $200

It has been almost 5 months since's Hannah's first birthday, so I figured it is about time to show off the birthday party.  From the time she was very little, I knew Curious George would be the perfect theme for our little monkey.  I started making a lot of the decorations very early because I only have about 10 minutes here and there to get anything done.  It was a lot of fun making almost everything myself. I got a lot of my ideas from these two blogs:  Hostess with the Mostess and Frosted Events, and other things I just had to wing and come up with myself.  It was a small party of about 20 family members and close friends, but I think it came out really great.  It was a fun project and it did not cost a lot of money!

I made the banner from scrapbook paper purchased at Michael's.  I just guessed with the size of the pennant, printed out the letters, used round objects in the house to cut out the circles, punched holes in the corners, and strung it all together with ribbon.  Cost:  $6

For the flower vases, I used recycled oatmeal containers.  I created the stripes in Photoshop making sure the file was 8.5 x 11 inches.  Luckily, the oatmeal containers were about 11 inches tall, so I didn't have to buy any special paper.  I printed out two sheets of regular paper per container and taped them on.  I happened to have two glass vases that fit perfectly inside.  The flowers were purchased at Trader Joe's that morning.  Cost:  Free for the vases.  $10 for flowers.

I bought the three Coca-Cola glasses and the candy inside of them at The Dollar Tree.  The candies are Red Hots, Lemon Drops and bubble gum.  Cost:  $6. 

I borrowed the white cake stand from my mom and she made the angel food cake on top of it.  Cost:  I have no idea.  Free to me!

The books and stuffed animal were Christmas gifts.  

I purchased the table cloths, plates, cups, and napkins at Party City and probably paid too much, but it was easy.  I think it all cost $40.  

I borrowed the cupcake holder from my mom.  I bought the different colored cupcake papers on Amazon for more than I probably should have, but I HAD to have them!  For each color (yellow and red), they were about $5 for 40 papers.  For the toppers, I found some random blue circle things in the scrapbook aisle at Michael's. I printed out red H's and meticulously cut them out. Also in that package were the fancy yellow rectangles I used for food labels. I think that package was about $3.  I didn't have enough blue circles for all the cupcakes, so I used leftover yellow and red scrapbook paper from the banner, cut out some pictures of Curious George, and glued them to the back.  I got the white sticks at Walmart for about $2 for a huge package (I had a ton leftover.)  I just used boxed cake mix and premade icing. 

Total cupcake cost:  $25 for 40.

I made the chocolate chip cookies and put them on two white plates purchased from The Dollar Tree.  Cost: $4.50 

I took a photo out of this white frame that we already had, printed out this quote and glued it it to yellow paper.  
Cost:  Free

The main food table.

For food, we had taquitos, a veggie tray, chips and salsa, and peanut butter and banana sandwiches.  I made everything from scratch, including the salsa.  I really don't know how much the food cost, but I'm going to guess about $30. 

Every month, I took a photo of Hannah.  I printed out all the photos, taped the month number to the corner, hole punched the corners and strung them together with ribbon.  I bought an assorted pack of balloons at The Dollar Tree and just picked out the colors I wanted.  They are strung together with thread.  Cost:  $2  

In the room off of the living room, I put a red table cloth over our coffee table and called it the doodling desk (an idea from one of the linked blogs above.)  I printed off Curious George coloring sheets for free, and i got the yellow box from the dollar section at Target.  I made the sign in Photoshop and glued it to leftover red scrapbook paper.  
Cost: $2  

I got the popcorn tub at The Dollar Tree.  Inside are the goodie bags.  I wish I had a better picture of the bags themselves.  Inside of the clear cellophane bags is a banana, a yellow lollipop, and a small bottle of Curious George bubbles purchased from Amazon.  We had 7 bags total for a cost of about $1.75 each.  
Total Cost:  $14 

We set up the drinks on our island.  I already had the metal tub.  I borrowed the water dispenser from my sister.  Keeping with the color scheme, we added lemons to the water, and we had Coca Cola and Squirt (yellow and red cans!)  
Cost:  $12

I made this sign for the door.  
Cost: Free

For Hannah's cake, I made a no-sugar recipe from, used low sugar Cool Whip for the frosting, and surrounded it with sliced bananas.  She really didn't eat any of it.  Oh well!  
Cost:  I don't know...maybe $7 for all the ingredients.  

Grand Total:  About $160

All of the numbers I gave above are complete estimates because I'm going off of memory from months ago.  I think they are all pretty close to what I spent though.  

Now that she is almost a year and a half old, I guess it's time to start planning the 2nd birthday party!  

And let's not forget the dress I made from a thrift store adult sweater.  My mom added the scarf because my sewing skills are mediocre at best!  This is the tutorial I used.